Sunday, March 9, 2014


C++11 introduced the ability to "ref-qualifier" methods. The most known qualifier is the const one:

class T {
foo() const; // Here *this is const
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however now is also possible to ref-qualify *this

class T {
foo() const; // *this is const
bar() &; // *this is an l-value
goo() &&; // *this is an r-value
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let see how this can be of any use. Immagine to have a factory building heavy objects and returning them by copy this way:

class JumboFactory {
Jumbo getJumboByCopy() {
return theJumboObject;
Jumbo theJumboObject;
JumboFactory myJF;
Jumbo myJumbo = myJF.getJumboByCopy();
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in the following scenario we can avoid an useless copy:

Jumbo myJumbo = JumboFactory().getJumboByCopy();
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we can avoid the copy if Jumbo is movable overloading the method getJumboByCopy in case the object on which I'm calling it is a temporary:

class JumboFactory {
Jumbo getJumboByCopy() const & {
//Deep copy
return theJumboObject;
Jumbo getJumboByCopy() && { // *this is an r-value
return std::move(theJumboObject);
Jumbo theJumboObject;
JumboFactory myJF;
Jumbo myJumboA = myJF.getJumboByCopy(); // Deep copy
Jumbo myJumboB = JumboFactory().getJumboByCopy(); // Move
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To be honest the example shows a scenario with other problems than the one mentioned (for instance if the object Jumbo is so big why permitting the copy then?) but I hope you got the idea.


Unknown said...

Informative post. Thanks for sharing.
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